The Key Secrets Of Inspirational Leaders

February 4, 2022

Inspirational leaders mobilize the people around them to put their heart and soul into realizing their vision, and in doing so, achieve extraordinary results. So far, so understandable. But where does this energy come from that captivates and inspires others?


1. Inspirational leaders are always present and genuine

Being present means being fully in the present moment. In colloquial language, we also speak of a person's charisma or radiance.

We show presence on different levels:

  • Towards people, by giving them our full attention and being present with all our senses. The expression «being all ears» describes this excellently.

  • Towards activities and tasks, by being absorbed in what we are doing and concentrating on the task at hand. This experience is also called flow.

  • Towards ourselves, by being aware of what is happening within us at that moment. We are aware of our attitudes, thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, but also our triggers, patterns or beliefs.


Your presence is the most precious gift

The originator of nonviolent communication, Marshall B. Rosenberg, said:

«Your presence is the most precious gift you can give to another human being.»

When we are fully present, we show ourselves and our personality and give our counterpart the opportunity to experience who we are. We become tangible and appear genuine. Presence is reflected in our posture, facial expressions and our voice. And it is precisely with this authenticity, this coherence, that we not only captivate others, but also encourage them to break out of their usual rut, rise above themselves and go the proverbial extra mile.

Admittedly, it takes courage to show yourself so unadorned and genuine. I know it well, the underlying fear that I might embarrass myself. And at the same time, I know that courage pays off. When we are present and genuine, we give our counterpart a piece of our personality. A piece of our uniqueness. In this energy lies the first secret of inspiring leaders.

2. Inspirational leaders are self-aware

«Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.»

In this quote from Holocaust Survivor, Victor Frankl, lies the key to the second secret: inspirational Leaders are mindful and self-aware at all times. They recognize their triggers, stumbling blocks and obstructive beliefs and know how to deal with these pitfalls.

In my experience, Logosynthesis is the simplest and most effective method of mental hygiene helping you to be balanced and composed. By dissolving your blockages step by step, you will gain the power and freedom to choose your reaction – even in difficult leadership situations.

Two questions for self-reflection:

  • How do you manage to be fully there, in the here and now, in this moment?

  • What is your way of “magic cleaning» to overcome your triggers? 

Regina Thiergardt