Letting It Go – Self-Coaching With Logosynthesis
Logosynthesis® is a fast and sustainably effective change method for self-coaching in everyday life. Whether professional, family, physical, psychological or financial stress - with Logosynthesis, you can immediately take countermeasures. With precise sentences you dissolve disturbing patterns and blockades step by step. Your life energy starts flowing again and you feel relieved.
The workshop «Letting It Go – Self-Coaching With Logosynthesis» shows you how to work on issues that trigger inner stress or that prevent you from leading a fulfilled and relaxed life. You will apply the three sentences and experience how positive changes become possible in the here and now.
Introduction to Logosynthesis
Learning about your personal space
How does stress develop?
Recognizing and understanding blockages & obstacles
The power of words
Live demonstrations & exercises
Integration into everyday life
In a theoretical overview, you will learn what Logosynthesis is.
You will learn about the technique and receive guidance on how and when to apply Logosynthesis and bring about change on your own.
You will experience how to effectively use the power of words to overcome personal challenges.
You will receive documentation and a short protocol so that you can use Logosynthesis in your daily life.
You will know how to explore this topic if you are interested.
Workshop Guide
Dr. Regina Thiergardt: Practitioner & Instructor in Logosynthesis
Number of participants
Max. 12 people
March 2023
«When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.»
– Lao Tzu